
This game helps develop communication skills, peripheral vision, and ball control.


  • Position three players on each side of the net.
  • Give one player from each team a ball (the “baby”).
  • The coach stands out of bounds with a basket of balls.

How it works

  • The coach slaps the ball and tosses it into play on one side of the court.
  • The players must send the ball across the net using only passes and sets (no attacking). However, the player holding the “baby” may not play the ball while holding the baby. They must toss the ball to another player on their side before playing the ball.
  • Play continues until one side wins the point. Then, three new players replace the players who lost the point and the coach tosses in another ball.

Coaching Tips

  • Emphasize the importance of communication and ball control (not just getting the ball over the net but in placing the ball strategically.