Here’s a 90-minute volleyball practice plan for the first practice for a high school team:

  1. Introductions and Warm-Up (20 minutes): Start by introducing yourself as the coach and having the players introduce themselves. Then, have the players jog around the court to get the blood flowing. After a few minutes, lead them through some dynamic stretching exercises to prepare their muscles for activity.
  2. Passing (15 minutes): Begin with some passing drills to assess the players’ passing skills. Observe their form and provide feedback to help them improve.
  3. Serving (5 minutes): Split players onto both serving lines on the court and have them practice their serving technique and accuracy.
  4. Hitting (20 minutes): Introduce hitting drills to help the players practice their approach, timing, and arm swing. Have them practice different types of hits, such as line hits or cross-court hits. Observe their form and provide feedback to help them improve.
  5. Scrimmage (20 minutes): Set up a scrimmage where the players can practice all the skills they’ve learned in a game-like setting. Encourage the players to communicate with each other and apply the skills they’ve learned during the drills.
  6. Cool-Down and Team Meeting (10 minutes): Finish the practice with some static stretching exercises to help the players cool down and prevent injury. Then, hold a team meeting to discuss what was covered during the practice and any areas that need improvement. Encourage the players to communicate with each other and provide feedback to help the team improve.

Here are some intermediate level drills and games to consider for your practice.

Throughout the practice, provide feedback and encouragement to the players. Focus on building team chemistry and creating a positive team culture. This is the first practice, so it’s important to establish a foundation of communication and teamwork that will carry through the season.