
To force servers and receivers to challenge each other to improve


  • Position 3 players in back row positions on one side of the court
  • Position 1 player as a Target in the setter position
  • Line up the remaining players as Servers on the opposite side of the court
  • Each Server needs 1 ball

How it works

  1. On go, the Servers take turns serving balls across the net.
  2. The back row players try to receive the serve and pass it to the Target.
  3. Out of every 5 in-bound serves they must get 3 to the Target.
  4. If they don’t, then that back row group comes off the court and does a punishment and a new group comes on.
  5. If they succeed, then all the Servers must do a punishment (e.g. lines, pushups, etc.).

Coaching Tips

  • Servers are expected to serve aggressively, therefore do not punish them for missed serves.
  • Choose a punishment that your team dislikes but does not take a lot of time: 10 push-ups, 10 tuck jumps, a sprint, etc.
  • This drill reinforces that teammates must challenge one another to improve; this is why both servers and defenders are punished for losing.