
To practice blocking as a team.


  • Position 3 players at the net facing the net. Each of these players gets a ball.
  • Position 3 other players on the opposite side of the net in the outside, middle, and right-side hitting positions at the 10 foot line. Give each of these players a ball.
  • The remaining players line up in three lines behind the original 3 players.

How it works

  • Coach calls out a hitting position and that player moves forward and holds the ball up to the top of the net. The blockers must move to position their block on the ball.
  • Then all players return to their original positions.
  • Repeat the exercise a few times before switching out the blockers for other players. Let the blockers become the hitters on the opposite side of the net. And the hitters move to the back of the blocking lines.


  • Alternately, this can be run on both side of court simultaneously by having two sets of blockers approaching together.