Short court, narrow court scrimmage

Purpose This drill forces players to change their approach on the fly and encourages the development of ball control. Setup Place a third antenna at the mid-point of the net. Position 2 players on [...]

10′ Line Scrimmage

Purpose This activity helps players develop their short game by playing in front of the 10' line. Setup Position 3 players on each side of the net in front of the 10' line. How [...]

Scrimmage: Earned points only

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while removing penalties for errors and encouraging aggressive play. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The [...]

Scrimmage: No serves

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while removing the challenges of serving and difficult serve receive. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works [...]

Scrimmage: Equal number of serves

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while giving each player multiple serve attempts. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The players scrimmage [...]

Scrimmage: Points for touches

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while encouraging multiple touches on the ball. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The players scrimmage [...]

Returning the serve

Purpose To practice serves and serve receive. Setup Organize 6 players on one side of the net. The remaining players line up to serve with a basket of balls nearby. How it works The [...]

Setting to a hitter

Purpose To practice receiving a ball from one direction and setting the ball in another direction, as would happen in a game situation. Setup Divide players into groups of 3. Give each group a ball. [...]

Setting to self

Purpose To improve setting skills and ball control. Setup Give each player a ball. Have the players spread out at least 8-10 feet apart. How it works Demonstrate proper setting technique Have players toss [...]

Setting while walking

Purpose This drill helps setters learn ball control and concentration. Setup Divide the players into two groups on each side of the court. How it works Starting in one corner, the player walk across the [...]

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