Tip, Push, Roll, Hit

Purpose To help players develop a variety of hitting skills. Setup Have players line up in hitting lines behind the 10 foot line according to their position (right-side, middle, left-side). A setter positions themselves [...]

Three person scramble offense

Purpose To encourage players to chase balls and adapt their offense on the fly. Setup Position 3 players at the net facing the net. The remaining players line up outside the court. How it [...]

Scrimmage: Earned points only

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while removing penalties for errors and encouraging aggressive play. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The [...]

Scrimmage: No serves

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while removing the challenges of serving and difficult serve receive. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works [...]

Scrimmage: Equal number of serves

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while giving each player multiple serve attempts. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The players scrimmage [...]

Scrimmage: Points for touches

Purpose To allow players to scrimmage while encouraging multiple touches on the ball. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works The players scrimmage [...]

Returning the serve

Purpose To practice serves and serve receive. Setup Organize 6 players on one side of the net. The remaining players line up to serve with a basket of balls nearby. How it works The [...]

Setting to a hitter

Purpose To practice receiving a ball from one direction and setting the ball in another direction, as would happen in a game situation. Setup Divide players into groups of 3. Give each group a ball. [...]

Setting to self

Purpose To improve setting skills and ball control. Setup Give each player a ball. Have the players spread out at least 8-10 feet apart. How it works Demonstrate proper setting technique Have players toss [...]

Passing in a circle

Purpose For new players to develop ball control while practicing passing and setting. It also helps develop team camaraderie Setup Divide players into groups of 4-6. Have each group stand in a circle about [...]

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