3-on-3 with a baby

Purpose This game helps develop communication skills, peripheral vision, and ball control. Setup Position three players on each side of the net. Give one player from each team a ball (the "baby"). The coach [...]

Short court, narrow court scrimmage

Purpose This drill forces players to change their approach on the fly and encourages the development of ball control. Setup Place a third antenna at the mid-point of the net. Position 2 players on [...]

Pass and cover drill

Purpose This activity emphasizes quick reaction time. Setup Have players line up in a single file line. Coach stands near the net with a basket of balls. How it works Coach tosses a ball [...]

10′ Line Scrimmage

Purpose This activity helps players develop their short game by playing in front of the 10' line. Setup Position 3 players on each side of the net in front of the 10' line. How [...]

Reading the Setter

Purpose This activity helps players learn to read the setter to anticipate where sets will go. Setup Position 1 setter and 3 hitters on one side of the net. All remaining players line up [...]

Two Touch Tennis Game

Purpose This activity helps players learn to move to pass and to more strategically place free balls. Setup Position 2 players on each side of the net. Additional players should be waiting off court. [...]

Figure 8 Passing Drill

Purpose This activity helps players learn to move to pass. Setup Position 3 players on one side of the net with one player covering middle back and two near the 10ft line on both [...]

3 on 6 Scrimmage

Purpose This activity is a way for teams without 12 players to scrimmage. Setup Position 6 players on one side of the net and 3 on the other. Have players transition to their standard [...]

Tipping and coverage at net

Purpose This activity helps front row players understand playing balls close to the net and helps all players understand how to cover tips. Setup Position 6 players on each side of the net. Have [...]

2 player, 2 touch pursuit

Purpose This activity helps players understand how to pursue a poorly passed ball and return the ball over the net. Setup Position 2 players in the back row. Position the remaining players around the [...]

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