Setting to self

Purpose To improve setting skills and ball control. Setup Give each player a ball. Have the players spread out at least 8-10 feet apart. How it works Demonstrate proper setting technique Have players toss [...]

Passing from one knee

Purpose This activity helps beginning to intermediate players focus on their passing form and, by taking a knee, work on arm control. Setup Divide players into pairs. Give a ball to each pair. Each pair [...]

Passing to self against a wall

Purpose This helps novice players begin to develop ball control in passing Setup Each player gets a ball. Have players spread out and stand around 6-10 feet from a high wall. How it works [...]

Self-toss hitting progression

Purpose This drill helps new player develop proper hitting form and ball control for overhand serving and attacking. Setup Pair up (if uneven, one group can have 3 players). Give each pair a ball. [...]

Passing to self in the air

Purpose This helps novice players begin to develop ball control in passing Setup Each player gets a ball. Have players spread out so they are at least 8-10 feet apart. How it works Players [...]

Toss and Pass

Purpose This is a controlled activity for novice players to begin learning to pass and to focus on their passing form. Setup Divide players into pairs. Each pair should stand about 10 feet apart. [...]

Harass the passer

Purpose This drill teaches players to stay focused and pass while dealing with distractions Setup Have two or three servers on the other side of the net and a target player in the setter location. [...]

Passing in a circle

Purpose For new players to develop ball control while practicing passing and setting. It also helps develop team camaraderie Setup Divide players into groups of 4-6. Have each group stand in a circle about [...]

Passing out of the net

Purpose This drill teaches players to handle the ball coming off the net and to execute a solid pass to a teammate. Setup The coach stands near mid-court with several balls. Divide players into two [...]

Setting while walking

Purpose This drill helps setters learn ball control and concentration. Setup Divide the players into two groups on each side of the court. How it works Starting in one corner, the player walk across the [...]

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