2 player, 2 touch pursuit

Purpose This activity helps players understand how to pursue a poorly passed ball and return the ball over the net. Setup Position 2 players in the back row. Position the remaining players around the [...]

Reach and Snap Hitting Drill

Purpose This activity teaches hitters to reach high and snap on the hit. Setup Place a standing block at the net and have a hitter stand on box Position a blocker on other side [...]

Coverage using a racquetball court

Purpose This activity teaches coverage while hitting. Setup Position setter to the right near the back wall of the racquetball court position 1 or 2 hitters to the left of the setter about 10 [...]

Four Corner Hitting

Purpose This activity teaches outside hitters to hit and tip to different locations on the court. Setup Either tape off the corners of the court or place a chair in each corner Line up [...]

Transitioning from Defense to Approach

Purpose This activity teaches outside hitters to transition from passing defense to their hitting approach. Setup Line up the players behind the 10 foot line How it works One at a time, each player [...]

10 Touches

Purpose To allow each player to spend time focusing on their ball handling skills while involving the whole team Setup Position one player near the net in setting position with a ball Position the [...]

3-on-3 Kings or Queens of the Court

Purpose To encourage players to scramble and improve their ability to play out of system balls. Setup Position three players on each side of the net with the remaining players in a line behind [...]

Back Row Running Warmup

Purpose To help backrow players warmup while practicing communication and ball control Setup 3-5 players on each side of the net behind the ten foot line A coach stands just outside the court with [...]

Pass and Hit

Purpose To practice transitioning from passing to hitting Setup One player standing in the setter position A coach and one blockers stand on opposite side of net Remaining players line up in three hitting [...]

Scrimmage: Reverse Sideout

Purpose To practice running the offense out of serve receive with an emphasis on quick points. Setup Position players on both sides of the net as if starting a regular scrimmage. How it works [...]

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