Here’s a 60-minute volleyball practice plan for beginners focused on serving:

  1. Warm-Up (10 minutes): Start with a light jog around the court to get the blood flowing. Then, do some dynamic stretching exercises to prepare the muscles for activity. These can include lunges, leg swings, arm circles, and high knees.
  2. Serving Technique (15 minutes): Teach the proper serving technique to the players, focusing on body position, ball toss, and arm swing. Break the technique down into simple steps and have the players practice them individually before putting them together.
  3. Serving Drills (20 minutes): Have the players practice serving from the service line, focusing on accuracy and consistency. You can use cones or targets to help them aim for a specific area of the court. Also, introduce different types of serves, such as float serves or topspin serves, and have the players practice them.
  4. Serving Games (10 minutes): Finish the practice with a serving game. This can be as simple as dividing the players into teams and seeing which team can get the most serves over the net in a row. Or you can have the players serve to specific targets on the other side of the court. Keep it fun and engaging.
  5. Cool-Down (5 minutes): Finish the practice with some static stretching exercises to help the players cool down and prevent injury.

Here are suggestions for beginner-level serving drills and games.

Remember to provide feedback and encouragement to the players throughout the practice. Consistent practice and feedback will help the players develop their serving skills and become more confident on the court.